速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Eat Klean

Eat Klean





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Eat Klean(圖1)-速報App

In our App you will find: - A time-saving personal account

where you can easily choose your meals or change your

meal plan at any time. - A flexible online account where you

can update your payment status immediately. Nutrition is an

important part of life. Each meal should be an experience,

not a chore. EatKlean by Gina provides you with a program

that is easy, affordable and delicious! EatKlean by Gina

offers you healthy, portion-controlled prepared meals without

preservatives, starches, chemicals or artificial coloring.

Meals Made Fresh to Order and Delivered with Love. Taste

the difference today. EatKlean by Gina is for anyone and

everyone looking to live a healthier life while maintaining a

more efficient lifestyle. From teenagers and stay-at-home

moms, to corporate employees and athletes of all kinds and

levels, EatKlean by Gina will help you reach your potential

goal. Check out what some of our Clients have to say: - “You

only get one body, one life. EatKlean by Gina allows me to

eat healthy, delicious meals at an affordable price.” – Alyssa -

“In the past six months, I have lost 15 lbs. and feel much

better while still being able to enjoy your home-cooked

dinners!” – Bob - “I've never felt better and more healthy

since starting EatKlean by Gina.” - Kristin - “EatKlean by

Eat Klean(圖2)-速報App

Gina is the best prepared food plan in the area! Meals are

made to perfection, always fresh, and very affordable! –

Alyssa M. http://eatkleanbygina.com/ We currently service:

Burlington, Lynnfield, Middleton, North Reading, Peabody,

Reading, Revere, Saugus, Stoneham, Wakefield and

Woburn. If you are located outside of our service area and

you are interested in EatKlean by Gina, please email us

at delivery@eatkleanbygina.com. Twitter link


f=tweets&q=eatkleanbygina&src=typd Instagram link

https://www.instagram.com/eatkleanbygina/ Facebook link


id=100008521128238&fref=ts Pinterest link

https://www.pinterest.com/eatklean0371/ Please note: Before

placing your order, please inform us of any food allergies.

Some products may contain nuts and/or dairy. Some

products may contain raw or undercooked ingredients. All

ingredients are fresh and unprocessed. All food must be

consumed in 3 to 4 days and should not be frozen.

Consuming raw or uncooked meats, poultry, seafood or

shellfish or eggs may increase the risk of food bourne

illnesses. © 2016 EatKlean by Gina. If you like the service,

Eat Klean(圖3)-速報App

please take a few minutes to review our app!